Monday, October 4, 2010

Brandon's HiGh LoW Debut

Today I interviewed Brandon to get his HiGh's and LoW's.  Brandon is a dinosaur man and is not afraid to talk about it...  all the time.  He will be getting his PhD in the magic of animals that have been dead for millions and millions of years.  Go get em' Brandon!  You give me hope that what I am doing is relevant.  I kid I kid!!  The truth is, Brandon works really hard and I am jealous. 

HiGh-  Today Brandon finished dissecting a dog in his anatomy class.  It has been a month long process so he's pretty excited about it!  The only trouble is, he rubbed the dog guts in his eye one day (see LoW).  ** The dog pictured here was not harmed in the dissection.  That is Brandon's dog, Dave.  He is a wiener shaped dog.

LoW- Brandon has a bad case of pink eye as a result of bad lab hygiene.  To be fair, I only saw a little bit of dog on his anatomy book but now that I heard about the pink eye, I think the rest of the goop ended up in his eye.  Good luck Brandon!!

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