Today I daydreamed about what my dog Bodhi would write me if she could text message me. I think the day would go a little something like this:
Bodhi-- 9:15am: omg you just left
9:15: heard a noise. and another. it's noisy and boring all at once
9:17am: it's ok. i'm ok. i think
9:23am: i just went through the bathroom trash. no big deal, just looking for something to do
9:34am: hey i was thinking we should do something where are you?
9:38am: i really have to pee. bad
9:42am: i guess you seriously left you a-hole. but i win, i get to sleep all day
9:44am: omg i feel like i slept for days! where are you? do you want to do something?
10:00am: turns out i actually didn't sleep much and you're still gone. but i don't have to pee anymore! worried?
10:05am: window is open, outside smells amaaaaaaazing. jerk. trying the white chair for a snooze
10:07am: boom. i feel amazing, what a nap! omfg where aaaaaare you?
10:12am: i'm gonna read the koran for a bit, see what that's all about
Me-- 10:13am: really? that's impressive
10:15am: no not really! hi!! omg hi!! when the phone lit up i was like omg omg!!
10:30am: i took the bear off of your bed again. you should come pick it up
11:00am: FIRE!! fire in the building, hurry back! maybe after the fire we can play frisbee!
11:30am: mouse just ran by, no big deal
12:00pm: my ass is on your pillow, you should come move my ass... and then we can do something?
2:00pm: i have been licking the floor for the last 2 hours. fun game. way more fun than your day
4:00pm: you will not believe the monster nap i just took, i will have so much energy when you get home that you will cry. hurry up!
5:00pm: holy shit i hear you you are here. let's do everything!
i forgot a low! i'm too tired to even register a low... i am slooowww and looowwww today